Meet The Founders Heading To SXSW With Philly Startup Leaders

A few weeks ago we mentioned that Philly Startup Leaders has a unique opportunity to send three companies led by founders from underrepresented backgrounds to SXSW 2020 – thanks to Comcast NBCUniversal LIFT Labs.

In addition to the generous donation from Comcast NBCUniversal LIFT Labs, new supporters from the PHL Innovation Picnic and Ballard Spahr, have granted us the opportunity to take SIX companies to SXSW (up from the initial three previously announced)! We are incredibly fortunate to work with partners who share in our mission to help current and future founders succeed.

Not only will these founders get to experience all that SXSW has to offer; they will also participate in Amplify Philly, which brings the best of Philly business, culture, and tech into the international spotlight. Philly Startup Leaders’ plays an active role in producing Amplify Philly, with Witty Gritty and REC Philly, and our primary focus this year was to get more startups to SXSW. We could not be more thrilled that this dream became a reality!

Keep reading to meet the founders heading to SXSW with us this year!

Read the full article here.