The Mobil-Aider Takes the Guessing Out of Joint Assessment

The Mobil-Aider2 is an innovative orthopedic device that permits clinicians to address a “pain point” through the quantification of joint linear translation.

This impacts the ability to accurately assess joint injuries and provide consistent, efficacious treatments to enhance injury recovery. As a first to market device for these tasks, the Mobil-Aider will allow the development of a body of knowledge that is significantly lacking.

Quantifying joint mobility/laxity is a challenge for clinicians. Assessing millimeters of motion qualitatively is not reasonable. Studies have reported that skilled clinicians have good relative intra-clinician reliability, i.e. they could replicate their “linear translation” during joint assessment and mobilizations, but had poor to moderate reliability between clinicians. In other words, clinicians are not in agreement when it comes to quantifying joint mobility/laxity. This is a problem. In a discipline like orthopedics that prides itself on precision, we should be able to do better than state a joint “feels lax” or “feels tight.” The Mobil-Aider has emerged as the transformative device to address this clinical issue, both as an examination and a treatment tool.

Read the full article here.